
Sep 15, 2024 · 1 min read

Academic Services

Guest Lecture

  • Machine Learning Algorithms for Point Clouds in the course CMSC401: Algorithms for Geospatial Computing, Spring 2024

Teaching Assistant

  • CMSC414: Computer and Network Security, Fall 2022 & Fall 2024
  • CMSC401: Algorithms for Geospatial Computing, Spring 2023 & Spring 2024
  • CMSC416: Introduction to Parallel Computing, Fall 2023
  • CMSC454: Algorithms for Data Science, Spring 2022
  • CMSC427: Computer Graphics, Fall 2021
  • Introduction to Computer Science in Python and Multimedia Computing, Fall 2018
  • Object-oriented Programming and Data Structures, Spring 2019

Conference Reviewer

  • International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR): 2024

Extracurricular Services

  • Volunteer teaching and cultural experience program at Bali, Indonesia, Summer 2017
  • General Secretary of the Model United Nations Club, HKUSTSU, 2015-2016