
  1. Moodle Software Developer and Technical Support

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    Responsibilities include:

    • Implemented LaTeX file compilation, encoding, and distribution features in the Moodle course management system as part of a copyright protection scheme.
    • Developed web app user interfaces and system plugins for diverse applications using PHP and MySQL.
    • Technical support for Moodle users, including troubleshooting and resolving software issues.


  1. PhD in Computer Science

    University of Maryland, College Park
    GPA: 4.0/4.0
    Advised by
    Thesis on Neural Representations of Geospatial Data: Analysis, Generation, and Beyond (provisional).
  2. MPhil in Computer Science

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    GPA: 4.0/4.0
    Advised by
    Thesis on Linear structure vectorization in large-scale landscape point cloud.
  3. BEng Dual Major in Computer Science Engineering and Electronic and Computer Engineering

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    GPA: 3.9/4.3
    Courses highlighted:

    • Discrete Math Tools
    • Advanced Computer Graphics
    • Data Visualization
    • Probability and Random Processes in Engineering
    • Signals and Systems
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills

Primary development language for published research, implementing machine learning algorithms using the PyTorch framework. Developed GPU-accelerated algorithms with Python bindings and CUDA kernel programming. Evaluated and visualized experimental results using Python packages (e.g., OpenCV, Matplotlib), and collaborated with teammates on the W&B platform for project tracking and experimentation.


Implemented scale-space algorithms and data structures for analyzing triangulated irregular networks, following object-oriented programming principles. Optimized algorithm inference speed using parallel computation with the OpenMP library, improving efficiency by parallelizing tasks on leaf nodes in tree structures.


Development primarily in Unix (CentOS) environments, managing computational tasks with SLURM. Practical experience in database management (MySQL, MongoDB) and professional engineering software (QGIS, MATLAB, MeshLab). Experienced in full-stack web development, including backend (NodeJS, PHP) and frontend (ReactJS).


Her name is Bella

Chair’s Graduate Fellowship
University of Maryland, College Park ∙ September 2021
Simatelex Charitable Foundation Scholarship
Simatelex Charitable Foundation ∙ September 2015
University’s Scholarship Scheme for Continuing Undergraduate Students
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ∙ September 2015
Champion Team in HackUST (Healthcare Theme)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ∙ April 2017
First Runner-up in VAST Challenge 2016 (Global Data Visualization Competition)
IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) ∙ October 2016